Glenelg candles is no longer trading at this present time. Please check back for updates. We hope to have some news soon!
Each candle in our range is hand crafted from the best waxes, dyes and materials, and each is therefore unique. All of our designs are original, and while much of their appeal derives from their aesthetic qualities, the prime consideration in the design and manufacture of every single candle is that it will burn down perfectly and cleanly as a candle should.

Some of our candles have a practical purpose as well. Our Anti-Midge Candles are extremely sought after here in the Highlands during the summer months, and our latest range of Aromatherapy Candles allow you to benefit from the therapeutic qualities of the essential oils which they contain.
The lines which continue to be our biggest sellers however are our Highland Landscape Candles in the Summer, Autumn, Sunset and Seascape Colours. - ideal for gifts and momentoes of a holiday amongst the hills; as are our ever-popular Flower and Heather Candles.

For decorative use in the home we have the dramatic range of Chalcedony Marbled Candles - perfect for the dinner table or the mantle-piece, and for a jazzier and lighter mood we have the infinite variety of Lathe Turned Chunkies. |